We are often asked how to get more followers on Instagramget more followers on Instagram as Instagram is the hottest social media right now. And one of the first things we always say is: “You have good content… but no one sees it.” Here we see a vicious circle: Share your good content with 10 or 20 people who do not share your posts. You work hard to create better content, and no one notices, so you create more content. But again, no one sees it. In fact, you may lose followers because you are not growing. This is the fatal mistake many people make when trying to gain more followers on instagram. This is because the secrets behind how to get more followers on Instagram are often misunderstood.The questions you need to ask yourself are: Do I create targeted content? Do I share this content in places where it will be shared again, or at least remembered? Is my content right for my audience?

Let’s discuss 3 specific and documented ways you can get more followers on Instagram:

1. Spend more time developing your profile to learn how to gain more followers on Instagram

Do not make the mistake of creating an official Instagram page without explaining to your audience why it is worth following. A bio is not just a license plate – it must be a description that is targeted at your target audience. You have probably made it good and interesting, but have you keyword optimized the profile for your audience? Have you linked it to your website and other social media with one collective name that is easy to remember? Do you show your brand in this bio as if you are speaking directly to your buyers?

The help desk reminds us that Instagram biographies do not have to be so concrete. You can and should change your information often and give your audience a new reason to visit your website – it can even be a few times a month if necessary.

Did you not succeed with this approach? Try one more and keep your biography relevant and fresh so you can get more followers on instagram. Learn how to optimize your Instagram profile here .

2. Create a posting strategy and stick to a schedule

The problem with giving advice, “good content” is that it can be random but good content. Your audience comes and goes and probably does not even remember what you wrote about because they are not your target audience.

But when you create a content strategy, you attract the right kind of followers. Readers who want to be aware, act, share content and engage with the brand. So you need to develop a strategy for your posts if you want to learn how to get more followers on Instagram and link the posts to specific goals that are progressive and sequential.

Mark also notes that the context is just as important as the content. Context answers questions your audience might have: What, who, when, why, where and how.You adapt the context and you change as you engage more with your audience. This is as opposed to just posting good but random content and then forgetting it (and hoping a lot of people discover it). 

3. Focus on the visual aspects of your product / brand

The term “visual” covers several different things, which will be what attracts the oh so coveted followers.

Human-centered content is what sets Instagram apart from other social media. Studies from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Yahoo Labs show that a picture of a person’s face gets 38 percent more likes and 32 percent more comments.

The secret to gaining more followers on Instagram is to use Instagram the way it was designed and in a way that its users prefer: All studies on how to get more followers on Instagram suggest that “face quality” is a myth. No, it is not just attractive women’s or children’s faces that create these results and all your likes . All faces, regardless of gender or age, are statistically more likely to get your audience to interact.