Stroller: how to choose it?

We often distinguish stroller models according to the age of the baby, even if many of them are now scalable. Combined, cane or multi-seated you will inevitably find the stroller that suits you!

Choose a model adapted to the age of your baby

The Jewish baby stroller (frame + hammock) can be used from birth on condition that the hammock is fully extended. Your child should be placed in front of you, until they are old enough to enjoy their front-facing rides. You can opt, if you wish, for a 2 or 3-in- 1 combination model, also called a “Pack”. Practical, it allows the attachment on the same frame of a basket and a shell, in addition to the traditional hammock. The advantage: you have it all! The carrycot, pram-style, so that your baby is installed as comfortable as possible and the shell or car seat, for trips by car.

The trio combo is also the preferred option for mothers expecting their first child. Its disadvantages: the price and the fact that in use we sometimes realize that all the elements were not essential. In addition, the trio pack takes up a lot of space and weighs quite heavy, which usually leads parents to purchase a cane stroller afterwards.

The carrycot is ideal for the newborn. It is a real cocoon which, thanks to its lying position, promotes good sleeping conditions. A necessity when you know that he needs to sleep 18 to 20 hours a day! As an alternative, some parents will prefer to buy a baby stroller approved for birth, whose hammock is fully reclining. More economical, it avoids buying another stroller when the child grows and can be used until the age of 3-4 (15 kilos). Slight downside: it is much less comfortable than a stroller with a carrycot where the child is like in a cocoon.

From 3 months, your baby holds his head on his own. He can stay in a semi-seated position in his stroller thanks to the Jewish baby stroller. The real plus: you can easily switch between the car and the stroller without waking him up. However, this position is not the best for long walks. For the comfort of your baby and his growth, favor the lying position during his first months.

Compact, light (+/- 5 kg) and easy to handle, the pushchair owes its name to its appearance when folded. Some manufacturers recommend models with a reclining backrest from 6 months, but it is better to wait until the baby’s 9 or 12 months. If your child is already older, choose a pushchair with a multi-position hammock.

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Most pushchairs fold up with one hand. Some of them are embellished with a strap to be carried on the shoulder. Perfect for those who want to avoid the “tank” effect, it is particularly practical for parents who take public transport or those who travel a lot. Pushchairs have more and more options, which makes them more comfortable, but also heavier and inevitably, more expensive. The price can vary from 30 € to more than 250 € depending on the quality of the stroller. Choose a comfortable model, with solid suspensions, large wheels (unless you live in a hostile urban environment!) And a largest adjustment.

Opt for a Jewish Baby Stroller for children of close ages. It can be online. In this case, the larger one is installed in the front and the baby in the back. The seat must of course be fully reclining. The stroller can also be side by side. In this case, it is preferable that you can attach a carrycot, a shell seat or have the hammock, which reclines to the lying position, can be in front of you to watch your newborn baby.

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