Shohreh Ghamar their interview with the magazine, the actress said: “Sometimes it happens that the children get defensive and avoid answering the teacher’s questions. They try to stay in the corner and not be in the crosshairs of the coach. Being shy and Self-censorship has no other message except to enclose you and turn you into an isolated person. If we want to look realistically, teaching acting and learning dramatic arts requires a lot of one-sidedness, high interaction and a strong relationship. So fear and defensive varnish from ourselves. away. This work has no benefit other than to limit us and separate us from our other colleagues and our classmates.”

When she was asked about planning for an acting career, she added: “Look, friends, the more you plan in your acting training, the more successful you will be. People who are unplanned and sloppy will never go deep. The ocean of acting art cannot be achieved. Acting training requires study, observation, practice and repetition and time planning. You must always have the spirit of researching, studying, exploring and planning.

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