The forthcoming Phone 3, the flagship smartphone from British consumer technology brand Nothing, is expected to be released in 2025, and the company is investing heavily in artificial intelligence for this device. The CEO of Nothing, Carl Pei, stated in a video that was uploaded to X that the business has been developing and testing “AI Interactions” over the last few months and that these features will be “gradually introduced, starting with Phone (3) next year.” In his video, Pei gave an early look at the AI-powered features the firm is presently developing, despite the fact that the company has not yet released any information on the Phone 3’s features or specifications.

Nothing AI: What’s coming

In an effort to provide a customised and distinctive experience, Nothing is attempting to “deeply integrate” AI into the smartphone’s operating system (OS), as demonstrated in the video that Carl Pei provided. One of the prototypes displayed by the business in the video had a home screen that resembled a “hub” and provided “contextual and relevant” information from several apps in one location. There was no mention of how each user’s home screen setup, which is being prototyped, will be customised and distinct according to their preferences and usage.

During the demonstration, the operating system of Nothing found and displayed a flight boarding pass QR code on the home screen automatically. Nothing refers to this home screen as “dynamic and context-aware.” Included on the home screen were tweets, reminders, and other content that the system deemed relevant to the user.

An additional feature showcased in the film was a customised voice assistant driven by artificial intelligence, called “Companion.” The AI companion’s onboarding procedure was demonstrated by the firm. The AI chatbot asks the user a few questions about his ideal companion during setup. It displayed a customised AI assistant with attributes selected by the user, such as “thoughtful,” “funny,” and more, based on their preferences. Nothing indicated that the feature produced AI helpers with distinctive features when it was being tested. According to the business, it is also looking into how to integrate the AI Companion into other areas, such the lock screen and control centre.

Pei also covered potential developments in consumer technology in his video. In the AI space, he stated that he thinks smartphones will continue to be the key form factor for customers. But in his opinion, the smartphone user experience must adapt to the upcoming changes in the consumer technology landscape. The CEO of Nothing said that smartphones will enter a “post-app world” where the operating system (OS) will be far more dynamic and customised as artificial intelligence (AI) advances.

Topics #AI-focused Experience #CEO #Nothing Phone 3 #smartphones