The fourth installment in the Aranmanai series, the recently released Tamil film Aranmanai 4, began the Tamil version with strong box office performance. movie debuted with a gross of 4.5 crores in its home state of Tamil Nadu, but on the second day, movie saw a significant increase, grossing almost 6 crores. This suggests that Aranmanai 4 gave the Tamil film industry the much-needed blockbuster.
Sunday has more reservations than Saturday. Even the Telugu version, which was made available as Baak, did better than anticipated. In just two days, the Telugu version of the movie made almost 1.5 crore at the box office in the Telugu States. Additionally, Aranmanai has a following in the Telugu language. Telugu comedians Srinivasa Reddy and Vennela Kishore were therefore brought in to play a number of important parts.
It appears that Aranmanai 4 has finally succeeded in scoring a hit after the third installment, Aranmanai 3, didn’t do well in the Tamil and Telugu markets. The film’s primary characters, Tamannaah and Raashi Khanna, are its key draws. The film’s director, Sundar C, made sure that their glitz contributed something additional to the horror-comedy genre. He will also feel a great deal of relief from this movie.
Topics #A Desperately #Aranmanai 4: #Aranmanai series #Blockbuster Movie