Automation Framework is an automation tool for deploying a consistent, production-worthy DLT (distributed ledger technology) platform on the cloud. This enables teams to develop and deliver a DLT solution without the need to architect from scratch. BAF provides three key aspects for your TLT deployment. These aspects are:

  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Acceleration

It provides a secure environment for your DLT (distributed ledger technology) development and deployment by utilizes the best practices of key management which is available by default in the solution. Secondly, it is a truly scalable solution allowing the platform to be used for early PoC’s (Proof of Concept) and Pilots. You can then scale up the same platform to run in a true production environment. It’s an accelerator for all the user community. With BAF (Blockchain Automated Framework), you are able to create a test environment in under an hour and cut development time from weeks to hours.

Benefits of Blockchain:

  • Enhanced Security

Information is sensitive and critical, blockchain helps to keep data safe in an encrypted form by developing an unchangeable record. It also provides a shield from fraud and any illegal activity. Information is saved across a network of servers instead of one host, which makes it hard for hackers to see data.

  • Complete Transparency

Every company maintains information within a database. Since blockchain utilizes a distributed ledger, data and transactions are listed identically in numerous places. All system participants with consent accessibility see exactly the same information at precisely the same time, providing complete transparency. All trades are immutability listed with date and time-stamped. This permits users to look at the whole history of trade and practically eliminates any chance for fraud.

  • Automated Transactions

Transactions are to be automated using “smart contracts,” which raise efficiency and accelerate up processes. After pre-specified conditions are satisfied, the process is automatically executed. In insurance, as an instance, once a client has delivered all essential documentation to submit a claim, the claim will automatically be paid and settled.

Key Concepts:

Here, key concepts are presented along with their features that are used ina Blockchain Automation Framework.

New users will be able to understand key conceptual structure blocks utilized in the Blockchain Automation Framework (BAF) engineering plan. As follows:

  • Kubernetes services
  • Ansible
  • Steerage
  • HashiCorp Vault
  • GitOps

Blockchain Automation Framework Features:

Pre-requisites: For a certificate and key storage, a Vault is very necessary for the Blockchain automation framework. HashiCorp’s Vault provides an extraction from generic cloud key management service so that users are not tied to a specific cloud provider. When using this type of framework, testers connect into Kubernetes through Ansible Controller and don’t link to another directly on the machine. Ansible Control is used for activating the installation.

Ansible is just one of those Hottest configuration management tools.

How Automation Works:

The Ansible playbooks contain a series of rows that run in a sequential order to achieve the automation of various components like certificate creation, order, or set-up, etc. Helm charts help manage deployment, storage, services, and other resources with ease.

Network Configuration File:

The network configuration file:

Is the base configuration file designed in the Blockchain Automation Framework (BAF) for setting up a DLT network. This file contains all the information related to infrastructure and network specifications. The base configuration file for Hyperledger fiber network deployment would have various sections, fields, and values. Some of these sections are:

  • Type
  • Version
  • Docker
  • Orders.
  • Channels
  • Organizations

Getting Started:

Before we start, testers need to check that each of the requirements is installed on the blockchain networks deployment’s platform by functioning the Blockchain Automation Framework. Once the pre-requisites are installed, you are ready to fork this repository and start using the BAF (Blockchain Automation Framework).

  • Arrange prerequisites:

After installation of the prerequisites, some of it will need to be designed according to the Blockchain Automation Framework. Stick to these instructions to design the pre-requisites and setting up your environment.

  • Update Configuration file:

When every one of the prerequisites has been designed, refresh the Blockchain Automation Framework setup record. Depending upon tester’s decision, there can be some differences in the configuration file. Search the platform-specific links to learn more about upgrading the configuration file.

  • Deploy the network:

After the configuration file is refreshed and saved on the Ansible controller, run the content to deploy the organization using the following order Blockchain Testing Tools: As follows, are most prominent tools for blockchain testing

  • Ethereum Tester:

Among the most used platforms for constructing blockchain applications. Also, it has the ability to provide both application testing and development service. Ethereum Tester is dependable for APIs, Web3 Integration, smart contracts, and a lot of other blockchain testing features.

  • Ganache is purely constructed to examine Ethereum contracts locally. It makes a simulated blockchain that enables anybody to utilize many accounts for analysis. You must remember the results you get are from a simulation rather than a live event, and the results will probably be satisfactory although not ideal.
  • Hyperledger Composer:

It lacks many analyzing attributes for blockchains. For that reason, it’s only helpful for testing programs before the application launched. by using Hyperledger composer, two types of testing could be performed that are automated, system, and interactive testing.

Phases of Blockchain Testing: 

Initiation phase

  • Know the architecture of Blockchain: In this particular phase, Testers are analyzing and understanding the operational and company’s requirements. In addition to describing how the user will communicate with the app.
  • Design test strategy: In this period, Testers explain the testing process for analyzing an application. This needs to be performed in detail in order to be able to provide full test coverage according to the requirements.

Design phase

  • Creation of test cases: The quality assurance team creates proper test cases for the blockchain application. And, business analyst reviews these testcases.

Test Data Creation 

In this phase, test data is produced or even extracted. Test data can be produced manually or by the use of any automated tools.

Environment Setup

Configure and setup the testing environment in accordance to the need of blockchain application.

Performance Metrics 

The Application, system, or any component’s performance is measured by the performance metrics.

Testing Phase

API Testing

Here we test the collaboration among applications from the blockchain ecosystem is good enough.

Block Testing

Each of the blocks on the blockchain network must be analyzed separately to ensure appropriate cooperation.

Functional Testing

Assess the usage of various functional areas in the blockchain’s network.

Security Testing

Tester makes sure that application is fully secure, and systems are able to secure data. Also, the ability to prevent hackers’ attacks, etc.

Integration Testing 

Tester makes sure that each of the parts of the system is incorporated properly. And, executing action suitably.

Smart Contract Testing

Here is all about testing detailed operations of business logic and procedure.

Report Phase

Explain the summary of project information, start and end dates, price, and details about different tasks.

Smart Contract Testing Report 

This document explains all about the particulars of Smart Contracts, and related information.

Security Testing Report 

This document reveals vulnerable info in an official record for different stakeholders. It includes, date of testing, evaluation of data, and a summary of all errors and bugs discovered.

Here we have reached the end of this basic guide into Blockchain Automation Framework. Stay tuned, more to come. Happy Testing!

Topics #Automated Testing Framework 2021 #Blockchain Automated Testing #Blockchain Automated Testing Framework 2021 #MBA #Nibras Muhsin #QA Lead Engineer