We all wish to possess a personality that attracts the eyes of the crowd. Don’t we? But do you think that achieving the same is easy-breezy? No! But, Sonia Pronk considers that decent and proper dressing can help you achieve the same. And therefore this Dubai-based fashion and lifestyle influencer shares a few tips on how to look dapper without costing the earth so you can stand out from the crowd.

1. Dress up with clothes that compliment your body type.
Sonia Pronk thinks an outfit should always be complementary to your body. “It should be a perfect fit and should emphasize the curves of your body or the best part of your body,” she says.

2. Try different trends.
“I prefer to wear clothes that are both fashionable and comfortable, but never something that makes you look like a celebrity stalker,” says Sonia Pronk. The fashion industry sees changes every day and you should follow them because you don’t want to look old school. Do you?

3. Accessorize your outfit.
It is very important to wear the right accessories in the right quantity. Sonia Pronk says that wearing a watch, the right shoes, or jewels are the habits of a stylish man, woman, or other. Not accessorising is your biggest mistake, as these items define your style and personality.

4. Keep it simple
There’s a difference between dressing and overdressing. Wearing multiple layers of clothes will just make you look shabby. Sonia explains that though donning accessories is necessary, one should not wear plenty of them.

5. Wear branded clothing
“I’ve always been a fan of brands and what they have to offer because I believe in quality instead of quantity,” said Sonia Pronk. She recommends wearing good quality clothes for better comfort, durability, and style. In addition, generic clothing looks very ordinary, right?

These few fashion tips from Sonia Pronk will help you make a statement and attract the attention of everybody. This Swiss fashion lady is admired for her elegant outfits and is appreciated for her exceptional marbles that style her outfits. We hope that the remarks of Sonia Pronk will help dress up well.

Topics #Sonia Pronk #styling tips