Paramahamsa Vishwananda emphasizes that Abhishekam entails surrendering by continuously chanting God’s name and inviting His divine form to reside within oneself.

In the realm of spirituality, there arise individuals who possess a unique radiance and transformative power. Among them is Paramahamsa Vishwananda, a revolutionary guru of our time and the founder of Bhakti Marga, a path of devotion and love. With his profound teachings and unwavering commitment to spiritual upliftment, Paramahamsa Vishwananda has touched the lives of countless souls across the globe, guiding them on a path of inner awakening and divine connection.

Puja: A Sacred Ritual of Devotion.

Central to the practice of Bhakti Marga is the ancient ritual of puja, a sacred ceremony performed to honor and connect with the divine. Puja is an expression of deep reverence, devotion, and surrender to the divine presence. It serves as a powerful means to establish a profound connection with the divine energies, inviting their grace and blessings into our lives.

Abhishekam: The Act of Surrender.

Among the various forms of puja, Abhishekam holds a special significance. Derived from the Sanskrit word ‘abhisheka,’ which means “surrender,” Abhishekam is a ritualistic offering performed by pouring liquids over the deity’s sacred form. It symbolizes a complete surrender of oneself to the divine, recognizing the omnipresence of the divine energy in every aspect of creation.

The Five Substances of Abhishekam.

Abhishekam involves the use of five substances, each representing one of the five elements: water, earth, fire, air, and ether. These substances hold profound symbolism and are believed to purify not only the sacred space but also the devotee’s senses.

The first substance used in Abhishekam is milk, representing water. It corresponds to the sense of taste, and by offering milk, we seek purification of our taste and the nourishment of our spiritual being. Ghee, the clarified butter, represents earth, symbolizing the sense of smell. It purifies our olfactory sense and brings a sense of grounding and stability.

Curd represents fire and is associated with the sense of vision. Its offering is meant to cleanse our vision and bring clarity to our perception of the divine. Honey, symbolizing air, corresponds to the sense of hearing. By offering honey, we seek purification of our auditory senses and invite the divine vibrations to resonate within us.

Finally, sugar, representing ether, corresponds to the sense of touch. Its offering aims to purify our sense of touch and foster a deeper connection with the divine energy. When these five substances are mixed together, they form the sacred Panchamrita, which is poured after the individual offerings.

Purification and Gratitude.

Following the pouring of the five substances, the deity is washed with the holy water from the sacred River Ganges. The Ganges is believed to cleanse one’s karma, and by offering this water, devotees seek purification of their being. The deity is then adorned with Chandan, kumkum, flowers, incense, perfume, and offered fruits or cooked food as a gesture of love and devotion.

Finally, the devotees express their deep gratitude by offering Arati, a ritual of waving a ghee or camphor lamp before the deity. This act of singing praises and expressing heartfelt gratitude signifies the devotees’ appreciation for the divine presence in their lives, acknowledging the acceptance of their prayers.

Through the transformative practice of Abhishekam, devotees are invited to experience a profound connection with the divine and seek purification of their senses and being. Paramahamsa Vishwananda, with his deep understanding of these sacred rituals, guides his disciples and followers to embrace the Lord.

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