The tech giant Google revealed the second version of its Indian languages program (ILP) on Thursday, stressing that it will be offering newsrooms using Indic languages revolutionary features.

The ILP 2.0 will be offered in eight sessions with guest speakers, success stories, and training that is specifically focused on the product. It will be presented in nine languages, including English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, and Marathi.

For each of the chosen news publishers, it will also include an individual evaluation and recommendations.

For the project, Google has teamed up with Mediology, a digital services and content distribution company based in Gurugram.

The goal of the Indian Languages Programme 1.0 was to improve user experiences on web, app, and video platforms while updating the online presence of Indian language news publishers.

The Indian Languages Programme was established in 2023 and provided support to Indian local news publications. Google provided funding, training opportunities, and technical help to enhance digital operations and increase local media’ online presence.

The news consumer insights and real-time content insights dashboards will be introduced in the program’s second edition, helping publishers in providing data-driven content and real-time audience analysis.

In addition, the program would give journalists access to a pinpoint research tool that will let them use Google’s AI and search features to search over enormous document collections.

The plan will also provide its cloud customers the option of helping categorize and define news publisher content using generative artificial intelligence, consequently optimizing discoverability.

“Minimizing the impact on website functionality and advertising by addressing the phasing out of third-party cookies” is the main goal of ILP 2.0, according to the tech giant.

According to Google, the program’s first version increased digital ad revenue for news publishers by 56% and increased total page views by 53%.

According to the business, the ILP 1.0 led to a 30% increase in active users for these platforms and a 91% increase in page speed insights, which enhanced user experience.

“Currently, all news publishers use analytics, which enables data-driven decision-making,” Google stated, going into further detail about the program’s efficiency in its first edition.

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