A new smartphone from Vivo is about to be released in India. The Vivo V29e, which was introduced in India last year, will be replaced by the upcoming Vivo V30e, which will become a part of the company’s V-series. The smartphone will have a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC, 8GB of RAM, a 5,500mAh battery, a curved display, and other features, the company has also announced. All of the information you require is provided here.
On its official website, the business has also developed a smartphone-specific microsite. The company’s website indicates that Velvet Red and Silk Blue will be the possible color options for the smartphone. The smartphone is going to have a dual rear camera unit with an Aura light LED flash on the camera front. The device will have a 50MP front camera for video calls and selfies as well as to a 50MP primary sensor.
A Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC with 8GB RAM will power the smartphone. The Android 14 operating system is anticipated to be installed on the device. According to the business, it will include a 5,500mAh battery that will provide four years of battery health and twice the battery durability over the industry standard.
It is probably going to be an improvement over the Vivo V29e from last year, which is presently available at Rs 25,999 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB model. The Vivo V29e is equipped with an 8GB RAM and Snapdragon 695 processor. It has a non-removable 5000mAh battery with 44W Flash Charge rapid charging and runs Android 13. With a refresh rate of 120 Hz and a resolution of 2400 x 1080 pixels, it has a 6.78-inch FHD+ display.
According to Realme, the Realme C65 5G smartphone will launch in India in the meanwhile. The smartphone would be the fastest 5G device in the category and cost less than Rs 10,000, the company has recently disclosed.
Topics #India #New mobile #New Phone #news #snapdragon #Vivo #Vivo V30e