Phillip H. Perez, an American entrepreneur, philanthropist and Founder and CEO of BarterUnit® LLC, has single-handedly constructed a multinational alternative digital currency, called the BarterUnit® with an embedded Universal Basic Income system – independent from banks, governments, donors and speculative assets. The BarterUnit® is designed to be the closest digital equivalent to physical cash without geographical borders or political restraints and is outlined to produce and sustain economic equality, security, and freedom for all humanity. 

“The BarterUnit® is your modern alternative digital currency. A new currency in which we are dedicated to give people as a Basic Human Right. Participants can use it as an alternative cash option. It is a new progressive monetary system that uplifts people from poverty and ultimately eliminates politics from the equation entirely. A system whereby there is a total separation of State an Economics practiced to the fullest extent. That’s the goal here,” says Perez.

The agenda of the BarterUnit® establishment is to create and implement a private secondary economy that works interdependently with all existing economies- worldwide. To create a secondary economy, outlined to promote a dual-economy with dual-currency transactions. A revolutionary economic system whereby you have, one national currency and one non-national currency, both working symbiotically for the purpose of sustainable economic growth and development. Additionally, through the BarterUnit® Universal Basic Income (UBI) program, every qualified participant will receive 1,000 BarterUnits® per month, interest free, regardless of income, resources, employment status or geographic location.

It’s time for a new dignified and freedom respecting economic system, and we believe the BarterUnit® is that system. Together we can counter the inefficiencies, inequalities and corruption that plague our existing monetary systems. Together we can create a global economic network that runs parallel with the notion of true economic equality, freedom and security for all humanity. The more people who respect and adopt the BarterUnit® as a viable alternative digital currency, the more economically valuable the BarterUnit® becomes. It’s that simple,” says Perez.

With global participants from the Middle East, Asia, South East Asia, Europe and the Americas and with the highest levels of confidence and transparency applied, Perez has successfully inspired many communities worldwide to respect and adopt the BarterUnit® as a new dignified and freedom-respecting alternative digital currency and payment settlement system.

“We encourage everyone to join the BarterUnit® economic revolution. This is a fight for the soul of humanity. Together we can counter inequality, debt, class, exclusion and wealth accumulation – the byproducts in which national currencies cause, sustain and inflict on us all,” says Perez.

The Barter Unit mobile application is now available and can easily be found and downloaded for free in the Apple and GooglePlay stores.

Topics #American Entrepreneur #barter #BarterUnit #Founder and CEO of BarterUnit #Multinational Alternative Digital Currency #Philanthropist #Phillip H. Perez #UBI #universal basic income