Micro-needling is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation method. Micro-needling device includes some tiny needles which cause small scratches on the outermost skin layer. These scratches make skin layers produce more collagen and cause rejuvenation and improvement of skin tissue.
Advantages of micro-needling:
Reduction in small wrinkles
Healing acne and scars, burns, or skin damages
Skin Rejuvenation
Increase in skin brightness and resistance

Reduction in stretch marks caused by pregnancy or weight loss or gain
How is micro-needling performed, and how long does it take?
The pain in this method is minor, but in the case of low pain-threshold inpatient, anesthetic creams are used which takes 20 minutes. The usage process of the micro-needling device takes 30 to 40 minutes for you. You can expect that ultimately after an hour you can return to your work. For better results, there may be a need to repeat the session.
Who are the better options for micro-needling?
If you have acne, scars or stitches, spots, or wrinkles on the skin surface and want to have brighter and more consistent skin, micro-needling can be a good option for you.
Micro-needling is not recommended for these people:
Women in pregnancy or breastfeeding period
Patients with psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis
Open wounds, cold sores, and active pimples
Skin inflammations
Uncontrolled diabetes
Dry and allergic skins
Having a tattoo in the specified area
Existence of skin damages, moles, and warts
People who use specific medications daily
Are domestic micro-needling devices effective?
Nowadays with the progress in technology and rise in the beauty industry, a variety of domestic micro-needling devices are available in the market. But are these micro-needling devices effective?
domestic micro-needling devices are cheaper because of the simple technology used in them. Their needles are rather slow and short and are more painful compared to the sessions supervised by a doctor and are less effective. Also, domestic medications can cause infections and damages because they are not done by an expert.
Micro-needling needs skill and experience, so it is better to be done supervised by a doctor.
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