If you are a music student or a music lover, you have probably heard the word salfage. Salfage is a combination of theoretical topics and practical training that a music student, after passing the elementary course of music and to step on the path to professionalism, needs to master the important and vital topic of salfage, and of course learning it is essential for any musician. . In a general definition, solfeggio is a comprehensive method for understanding the language of music; Which is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is the same as music theory, which includes recognizing and mastering the names of notes, carriers and keyboards, intervals between notes, rhythm, simple and compound scales, steps, and so on. In ancient times, pieces of music were passed from one musician to another, which, as time went on and the number of pieces and the content of the music increased, the method became more difficult and the music became distorted or forgotten. The musicians of that time set the rules for recording pieces of music, and these rules have changed throughout history, resulting in the rules we are learning today. The practical part of salfage consists of note-taking and musical dictation. Note reading is in fact a subset of music theory in that the student practically implements the teachings related to the shape and length of the notes, the carrier lines and keyboards, the changing symbols, and  in his mind and language; That is, if a sheet of music is placed in front of the musicians, that musician, in addition to having to understand the name and length of the note, must be able to play it with his larynx and instrument. Music dictation is the exact opposite of note-taking. In fact, music dictation means that the student should be able to put a piece of music on a piece of paper on a piece of paper and write the notes of that piece. To do this, you need to have sufficient mastery of music theory and note reading, in fact, music theory and note reading are the background of music dictation. A student needs a lot of time to be able to dictate a piece of music; Although dictation is a very heavy topic, it is not impossible to do it.

Short biography of Reza Sajedi

Reza Sajedi(رضا ساجدی )  is a famous Iranian singer and pop musician. Reza has released many official music that can be found in a short search in global markets.

Reza was born on September 30, 1995. His full name is Reza Sajedi Abkenar. He entered the field of music at the age of 13 and studied pop with the country’s top professors.

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